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Nature Writing


12 Birds to Save Your Life

Nature's Lessons in Happiness

By Charlie Corbett

After the tragic loss of his mother, Charlie Corbett had lost all hope and perspective. He took to the countryside in search of solace where he heard the soaring, cascading song of the skylark – a sound that pulled him from the depths of despair and into the calm of the natural world. Weaving his journey through grief with a remarkable portrait of the birds living right on our doorstep, 12 Birds to Save Your Life is an invitation to stop, step outside, and listen.


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About Charlie Corbett

Charlie Corbett is a freelance writer, journalist and public speaker. He comes from a family of livestock and arable farmers and spent his childhood divided between farms on the North Wessex Downs and The Isle of Mull. Having studied history at the University of Edinburgh he turned away from his farming roots and spent the next 20 years reporting on business and finance from cities all over the world. But he remained, at heart, a country boy. He lives today at the foot of the Pewsey Downs in Wiltshire with his wife, two sons, and a field full of skylarks.

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